miguelslp - Vanilla JS

35 of 35 projects completed

  1. Day 69 Places - Filter
  2. Day 67 Places - Favorites
  3. Day 65 Places
  4. Day 63 Countdown Timer - reactive data
  5. Day 61 Countdown Timer - start and pause
  6. Day 59 Countdown Timer - formatted
  7. Day 57 Countdown Timer
  8. Day 55 API cache - fallback
  9. Day 53 API cache
  10. Day 51 Autosave with other fields types
  11. Day 49 Autosave on a single entry
  12. Day 47 Autosave
  13. Day 45 Debugging Broken Code
  14. Day 43 DOM Manipulation Library with chaining methods
  15. Day 41 DOM Manipulation Library
  16. Day 39 Helper Library
  17. Day 37 Weather App - Plugin
  18. Day 35 Weather App
  19. Day 33 Table of Contents - Scope
  20. Day 31 Table of Contents - Missing IDs
  21. Day 29 Table of Contents
  22. Day 27 Find the Monsters before the sock!
  23. Day 25 Find the Monsters!
  24. Day 23 Monsters!
  25. Day 21 Sanitizing the NYT API Data
  26. Day 19 Latest 5 NYT top stories on Technology, Arts and Movies
  27. Day 17 Latest 5 NYT top stories
  28. Day 15 Random Rom without duplicates
  29. Day 13 Random Rom
  30. Day 11 Announcing the Count
  31. Day 9   Character and Word Count
  32. Day 7   Character Count
  33. Day 5   Toggling passwords in multiple forms
  34. Day 3   Toggling multiple password fields
  35. Day 1   Password Visibility
Vanilla JS Academy The Vanilla JS Toolkit This project on Github
  1. µhtml + hooked-elements
  2. µland
  3. reefjs
  4. observable
  5. alpine