miguelslp - Vanilla JS

API cache - fallback

<div id="app">

// get the app element
var app = document.querySelector('#app');

// define a localStorage id
var storageID = 'pirateCache';

// sanitize html from API
var sanitizeHTML = function (str) {
var temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.textContent = str;
return temp.innerHTML;

// get articles from the cache if still valid, or from the API if not
var fetchArticles = function () {

// check for valid cached data
// if it exists, use it
var saved = getData();
if (saved) {
console.log('loaded from cache');

// fetch articles from the API
fetch(getEndpoint()).then(function (response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
} else {
return Promise.reject(response);
}).then(function (data) {
console.log('fetched from API');
}).catch(function () {

// render articles into the ui
var renderNews = function (data) {

// if there are no articles, render a message into the UI
if (data.articles.length < 1) {

// otherwise, render the UI
app.innerHTML = data.articles.map(function (article) {

// create html
var html = '<article>' +
'<h2>' + sanitizeHTML(article.title) + '</h2>' +
'<p><em>By ' + sanitizeHTML(article.author) + ' on ' + sanitizeHTML(article.pubdate) + '</em></p>' +
sanitizeHTML(article.article) +

return html;
}).join('') + '<p><em>Articles from <a href="' + sanitizeHTML(data.attribution.url) + '">' + sanitizeHTML(data.attribution.name) + '</a></em></p>';

// render a message when there are no articles to share
var renderNoArticles = function () {
app.innerHTML = '<p>There be no pirate news afoot, matey. Check back later.</p>';

// save article data to localStorage
var saveData = function (data) {

// create a cache object with a timestamp
var cache = {
data: data,
timestamp: new Date().getTime()

// stringify it and save it to localstorage
localStorage.setItem(storageID, JSON.stringify(cache));

// get API data from localStorage
var getData = function () {

// get saved daa from localStorage
var saved = localStorage.getItem(storageID);
if (!saved) return;
saved = JSON.parse(saved);

// if data has not expired, return it
// use cached data from 30 seconds
if (isDataValid(saved, 1000 * 30)) {
return saved.data;

// check if the data is valid
var isDataValid = function (saved, goodFor) {

// check that there is data, and a timestamp key
if (!saved || !saved.data || !saved.timestamp) return false;

// get the difference between the timestamp and current time
var difference = new Date().getTime() - saved.timestamp;

return difference < goodFor;

// dinamically vary the API endpoint
var getEndpoint = function () {
var endpoint = 'https://vanillajsacademy.com/api/';
var random = Math.random();
if (random < 0.5) return endpoint + 'pirates.json';
return endpoint + 'fail.json';

// render content from API cache on failed request
var renderFallback = function () {

// get data from localstorage
var saved = localStorage.getItem(storageID);

// if there is no API cache, show message in the UI
if (!saved) {

// parse saved data
saved = JSON.parse(saved);

// render articles with cached data
console.log('fallback from cache after failure');
