miguelslp - Vanilla JS

Countdown Timer - reactive data

<div id="app"></div>

// Variables

var duration = 5;
var timer;

// Methods

* Get the Proxy handler object
* @param {Constructor} instance The current instance of the constructor
* @return {Object} The proxy handler object

var handler = function (instance) {
return {
get: function (obj, prop) {
if (['[object Object]','[object Array]'].indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(obj[prop])) > -1) {
return new Proxy(obj[prop], handler(instance));
return obj[prop];
set: function (obj, prop, value) {
obj[prop] = value;
return true;
deleteProperty: function (obj, prop) {
delete obj[prop];
return true;

* State-based UI Component
* @param {String} selector The selector for the target element
* @param {Object} options Component options

var Rue = function (selector, options) {

// Variables
var _this = this;
_this.elem = document.querySelector(selector);
var _data = new Proxy(options.data, handler(this));
_this.template = options.template;

// Define setter and getter for data
Object.defineProperty(this, 'data', {
get: function () {
return _data;
set: function (data) {
_data = new Proxy(data, handler(_this));
return true;
* Render a new UI

Rue.prototype.render = function () {
this.elem.innerHTML = this.template(this.data);

* Stop the timer

var stopTimer = function () {

* Countdown the timer by 1

var countdown = function () {

// Reduce the time by 1 second

// Check if the timer should be stopped
if (app.data.time < 1) {


* Handle click events
* @param {Event} event The Event object

var clickHandler = function (event) {

* Start the timer
* @param {Event} event The Event object

var startTimer = function (event) {

// Only run if the restart button was clicked
if (!event.target.hasAttribute('data-start-timer')) return;

// If the timer is done, restart instead
if (app.data.time < 1) {

// Unpause the timer
app.data.paused = false;

// Stop any current runnign timers

// Start the countdown timer
timer = setInterval(countdown, 1000);


* Pause the timer
* @param {Event} event The Event object

var pauseTimer = function (event) {

// Only run if pause button was clicked
if (!event.target.hasAttribute('data-pause-timer')) return;

// Stop the countdown timer

// Update the app data
app.data.paused = true;


* Restart the timer
* @param {Event} event The Event object

var restartTimer = function (event) {

// Only run if the restart button was clicked
if (!event.target.hasAttribute('data-restart-timer')) return;

// Stop any current running timers

// Reset app data
app.data.time = duration;
app.data.paused = false;

// Start the countdown timer
timer = setInterval(countdown, 1000);


* Create the timer component
* @param {Object} props The component options

var app = new Rue('#app', {
data: {
time: duration,
paused: true
template: function (props) {

// If the timer is done, show a button to restart it
if (props.time < 1) {
return '⏰ <p><button data-restart-timer>Restart Timer</button></p>';

// Otherwise, show the current time
return getTimerHTML(props);


// Get the active timer html
var getTimerHTML = function (props) {

// Get the minues and seconds
var minutes = parseInt(props.time / 60, 10);
var seconds = props.time % 60;

// Create the timer html
var html =
minutes.toString() + ':' + seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0') +
'<p>' +
(props.paused ? '<button data-start-timer>Start</button>' : '<button data-pause-timer>Pause</button>') +
' <button data-restart-timer>Restart</button>' +

return html;


// Inits & Events

document.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);