miguelslp - Vanilla JS

Places - Favorites

Explore cool, quirky places in your own backyard.

<p>Explore cool, quirky places in your own backyard.</p>

<div id="app">Loading...</div>

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/reefjs@8/dist/reef.min.js"></script>
// Get place data from the API and update app state
var getPlaces = function () {
.then(function (response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
return Promise.reject(response);
.then(function (data) {
app.data.faves = getFaves();
app.data.places = data;
.catch(function (err) {
app.data.places = null;

// The app component
var app = new Reef("#app", {
data: {},
template: function (data) {
// If there are places, render them
if (data.places && data.places.length) {
return getPlacesHTML(data);

// Otherwise, show an error
return getNoPlacesHTML();

// Get the message to dispay if there is no palce data
var getNoPlacesHTML = function () {
return `<p><em>Unable to find any places right now. Please try again later. Sorry!</em></p>`;

// Create HTML for each of the palces from the app data
var getPlacesHTML = function (props) {
return props.places
.map(function (place) {
var html =
'<div class="place">' +
"<div>" +
'<img alt="" src="' +
place.img +
'">' +
"</div>" +
"<div>" +
"<h2>" +
place.place +
"</h2>" +
"<p>" +
place.description +
"</p>" +
"<p><em>" +
place.location +
'</em><br><a href="' +
place.url +
'">' +
place.url +
"</a></p>" +
'<p><button data-fave="' +
place.id +
'" aria-label="Save ' +
place.place +
'" aria-pressed="' +
props.faves[place.id] +
'">♥</button></p>' +
"</div>" +
return html;

// Handle click events
var clickHandler = function (event) {
// Only run on fave buttons
var place = event.target.getAttribute("data-fave");
if (!place) return;

// If place is already saved, remove it
// Other, save it
app.data.faves[place] = app.data.faves[place] ? false : true;

// localStorage
var favesID = "exploreFaves";

// Save favorite places to localStorage
var saveFaves = function (faves) {
localStorage.setItem(favesID, JSON.stringify(faves));

// Handle render events
var renderHandler = function (event) {
// Save favorites to localStorage on render

// Get favorite places from localStorage
var getFaves = function () {
var faves = localStorage.getItem(favesID);
var favesObj = faves ? JSON.parse(faves) : {};
return favesObj;

// Inits
document.addEventListener("click", clickHandler);
document.addEventListener("reef:render", renderHandler);